2024 season of KOQM
a Nestuita’si Storytelling production
Written and performed by: shalan joudry
Directed by: Ken Schwartz

Image by Kiwnik Joudry-Martel
(character in tree based on Mi'kmaw petroglyphs)
Stage Manager: Malaika Joudry-Martel
Carved props: Ed Benham
Original mask/characterization consultant: Ann-Marie Kerr
Original dance movement consultants:
Susanne Chui and Sarah Prosper
Mi’kmaw language dramaturgy:
Peter J Clair (2024) and Ursula Johnson (2022)
Supporting Producer: Two Planks and a Passion Theatre
Additional thanks to: Nadine Millet, Frank Meuse, the Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, and PARC (Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre).
Much gratitude to those who reviewed the original script and provided careful conversation while in development: Yvonne Wallace (dramaturgy), Santiago Guzman, Lorraine Whitman, and Dorene Bernard. Original Mi'kmaw language translation/review: Louise Witzell.

Photo by Connor Price-Kelleher

Photo by Connor Price-Kelleher
Story: KOQM is a journey through time and land to experience the voices of fictional L’nu (Mi’kmaw) women. Throughout the course of the show we hear and meet the women who might have spoken and walked through one area of forest over centuries. Guided by the strength of an ancient tree (“koqm”), the women’s voices share with us their personal stories of grief, humour and resiliency through a unique theatrical performance.
Now off-grid and in-the-round!
Running time: one hour
(then additional 30min talk-back)
The 2024 summer tour is complete!
Wela'lioq, thank you all, to everyone who helped create this piece, supported it and the tour, as well as thanks to all of the beautiful audiences who journeyed through the centuries with us. Much gratitude!
If you or your school/organization would like to screen the 2022 video of the performance at Neptune, please contact Nadine at: admin@nestuitasi.com

Photo by Dan Froese
KOQM won the 2023 Robert Merritt Theatre Award for
Outstanding New NS Play (playwright) and was nominated for Best Production.

Photos by Dan Froese
Original Production
King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal, NS
November 12-13, 2021
Production: Nestuita’si Storytelling, Two Planks and a Passion Theatre, El’tuek Qokom, and King's Theatre
Written and performed by: shalan joudry
Director: Ken Schwartz
Mask Coaching: Ann-Marie Kerr
Movement consultants: Susanne Chui & Sarah Prosper
Set pieces: Ed Benham
Lighting Design: MacKenzie Cornfield
Music and audio transitions by: Rose Meuse, Cedar Meuse-Waterman and Nathan Waterman
Graphics: design by MacKenzie Cornfield, drawing by Kiwnik Joudry-Martel (after Mi’kmaw petroglyphs)
Special thanks to those who reviewed the script and provided careful conversation while in development:
Yvonne Wallace (dramaturgy), Santiago Guzman, Lorraine Whitman, and Dorene Bernard.
Mi'kmaw language translation/review: Louise Witzell
Thank you also to:
PARC (Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre), the Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, and Theatre du Poulet.
We are grateful for the funding from ArtsNS which made this production possible.